Conference Theme
The rapid and continuing changes in the global economy are presenting continuing challenges for businesses, governments and educational institutions. Advances in new financial tools, entrepreneurship, information systems, and the scope of strategic alliances have received widespread attention. However, important changes in all of the functional areas of business, in international economic and political relations, and in business-government-education relations have increased both opportunities and problems. The objective of this conference is to contribute in the presentation and exchange of ideas based on relative research, that is relevant for international businesses and economies and their management.
Conference Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Business internationalization/globalization
- International capital markets
- Stock exchange institutions
- Options, futures and derivatives
- International finance, investment, insurance, and real estate
- Global strategies for cooperation and competition
- International management issues
- Management of international/multinational firms
- Human resource management in global context
- International/multinational marketing tactics and strategies
- Entrepreneurship in the global marketplace
- Foreign market entry and expansion strategies
- Strategic alliances, partnerships and networks
- The emergence of the Balkan economies
- Economic integration within the European framework
- The emergence of China as an economic power
- International business law and patents
- International accounting and taxation issues
- Global development and diffusion of technology
- Total quality Management in global context
- Management/business information systems in a global context
- Open systems
- Operations management in a global context
- Joint ventures, cooperative arrangements, and foreign-owned businesses
- International Project Management
- Global strategies in higher education
- International Management and Economic Issues in Tourism and Hospitality
